И как инвайт этот то получить подскажите плиз!

Тема в разделе "Прочее", создана пользователем TiM@, 29 сен 2012.

  1. TiM@

    TiM@ dota 2

    YOU HAVE BEEN INVITED TO PLAY DOTA 2 https://proxy.imgsma...lden_ticket.png

    To get started - launch Steam, locate the game in your library and follow the instructions to install the game.
    As always, we rely on your feedback to improve the game, so please drop us a line and let us know how we're doing.
    To install Steam, click this link: www.steampowered.com/about
    Thanks, and enjoy your game!

    The Dota 2 Team
  2. SexMachine23cm

    SexMachine23cm Недавно с нами

    открываешь стим свой и в библиотеке она у тебя уже установлена