1. Is it possible to have a separate DKP system in WotLK Classic? You can have a separate DKP system sure, but just remember that you lead by virtue and influence rather than being a dictator. If people think you are playing favorites, resentment and lack of trust will tear your group apart. 2. In WotLK Classic, what add-ons do I need to manage this system? The loot systems I have seen work best are free roll (MS > OS), with people having to declare rolling their OS as MS, or soft reserve system so that people get what's the most important to them. People will still try to cheat these systems and when they do they need to be severely punished to make an example out of them (rolling for OS tokens as MS, rolling for gear they don't need, etc.) You should kick them out of the raid and guild and send them to exile to spend the rest of their days on a deserted island. Loot council and DKP type systems are always vulnerable to corruption and favoritism, which I why I never use them. I also recommend you appoint someone else to do loot because leading a 25-man raid is enough work and you don't have time to farm WotLK Classic Gold. 3. What rules should I apply for DPS? Let's say some DPS are doing extremely poorly. If someone is doing poor DPS, you just don't bring them to the raid again. You can try to help them or find a replacement. You don't need to make a rule about it. It's pretty obvious that if you can't carry your weight, no one will want to raid with you. But something that I do recommend you do is inspect people before the raid at Violet Hold to check for gems/enchants/achieves and other signs that they don't know how to play their class. You can also force people to bring flasks and not give loot to them if they don't. There's a good addon called RaidBuffStatus to detect losers who don't use flasks.