Most fun class in tbc classic and going into wotlk classic?

Тема в разделе "Прочее", создана пользователем Xingxiz, 18 июл 2022.

  1. Xingxiz

    Xingxiz Недавно с нами

    What classes are actually fun to play right now in TBC Classic and what classes are fun to play in WOTLK Classic? It could be an engaging rotation, or just a satisfying ability, or fluid combat mechanics. What class is just fun to play with?

    Well, Spriest in TBC and Spriest in WotLK play almost identically for most of the expansion (T10 changes the rotation, for the better imo). It’s the most engaging caster spec currently and it remains up there with Affli Lock. Very fun once again if you enjoy managing DoTs.

    I’m not sure how fun Enhance currently is objective, it’s got a lot of sweaty swing timer stuff if you’re trying to minmax and that doesn’t appeal to everybody. That being said, if you like high APM and you like melee, Enhance is easily one of the most fun specs in Wrath by far. It plays in such a way that you have a very fast GCD, LOTS of Maelstrom (instant lightning bolt/CL) procs, and hardly ever have an unused GCD in a fight if you’re allowed to have uptime, even more, you have more chance to get WotLK Gold. It is however also a lot to manage. Random procs that take #1 priority on rotation, fire totem every 20s, alternating fire and earth shock, very low cooldowns, you get the idea.

    If that sounds like too much to manage but you like the idea of high-APM, try Frost DK instead. It also uses almost every global in a fight, but is very consistent and predictable in its gameplay loop where you think ahead rather than reacting at the moment.

    Feral is very fun right now but for most people will be very un-fun in WotLK. It has the most punishing rotation potentially of all time. If you misuse any combo points at any point you are going to be very upsetti-spaghetti as you lose half of your DPS for the fight.

    Ret and Fury are both generic, boring priority rotational button pressers with a lot of unused GCDs, although Fury is a lot worse than Ret is in this regard. Fury just eventually macros heroic strike into BT and WW and truly becomes a 2 button class if you don’t Rend stance dance.

    Combat Rogue is as it always is. Assassination becomes very fun if you enjoy a very flowing rotation where you just repeat the same loop every 5 seconds or though to infinity. Although it’s completely non-viable right now.

    Fire mage ends up as hilarious fun with 50% crit chance pyro proc rolling by the end of ICC, although you play Arcane for most of the expac. I wouldn’t call Arcane, particularly fun gameplay but if you like it then all the power to you.