Nickel powders from the carbonyl process

Тема в разделе "Буст ММР аккаунтов, калибровка Дота 2", создана пользователем rela5hao, 25 авг 2021.

  1. rela5hao

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    Here are some questions that beauty technicians have been asking themselves since the appearance and marketing of cosmetic grade boron nitride powder.Superfine powder is not just a functional material, but also established a solid foundation for the compounding and development of new functional material. The excellent performance of superfine powder exsites in its surface effect and volume effect. the smaller the size of powder, the larger the ratio between Area and volume. Because the BET (surface area) of superfine particle is large, and easy to agglomerate, so we need to do surface treatment/modify to the powder and make it easy dispersing and maximize its performance.Processing and application technology of superfine copper powder has been a major bottleneck for development of the industry. Silty soft copper, grinding processing difficulties, easily oxidized in moist air. Water atomization high cost, low yield, non-uniform particles, and unstable quality.