Properties of hdpe pipe fittings and upvc pipe fittings

Тема в разделе "Продажа аккаунтов Дота 2", создана пользователем mangguoyami325, 1 сен 2021.

  1. mangguoyami325

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    HDPE pipe is a flexible plastic pipe made of thermoplastic high-density polyethylene widely used for low-temperature fluid and gas transfer. In recent times, HDPE pipes got their extensive uses for carrying potable water, hazardous wastes, various gases, slurry, firewater, stormwater, etc.However, the use of HDPE Pipes is not suggested when the fluid temperature exceeds 1220 F (500 C).The HDPE pipe fittings can be performed in several ways as described below. It should be noted that based on the type of the fittings included in the specifications of the design one should do pipe fittings in different parts of the plan. HDPE pipes are usually produced with two simple ends.
    1- Thermal Butt (HDPE Butt Fusion Fittings)
    2- Thermal bushing
    3- Electro Fusion(HDPE Electrofusion Fittings)

    4- Flange
    5- Extrusion
    6- Bolting
    7- Rubber gasket latching
    UPVC Pipe Fittings stand for Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride. Due to its strong resistance to chemicals, and elements of nature, UPVC makes an ideal choice for residential and commercial plumbing constructions. It also includes UPVC Gasketed Fittings and UPVC Solvent Weld Fittings.