Diablo 4: best necromancer builds guide

Тема в разделе "Прочее", создана пользователем jannick, 7 апр 2023.

  1. jannick

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    Diablo 4 is the latest installment in the popular action role-playing game series from Blizzard Entertainment. The game is set to release in 2023 and will feature a new class, the Necromancer. The Necromancer is a powerful class that can summon undead minions to fight for them, as well as uses a variety of bone and blood magic spells.

    There are many different ways to build a Necromancer in Diablo 4. Some players prefer to focus on summoning minions, while others prefer to focus on using magic spells. There are also hybrid builds that incorporate both summoning and magic.

    In this article, we will discuss some of the best Necromancer builds in Diablo 4. We will cover builds for both solo and group play, as well as builds for different playstyles.

    Solo Necromancer Builds

    Bone Spear Build

    The Bone Spear build is a powerful solo build that focuses on using the Bone Spear skill. Bone Spear is a ranged attack that deals high damage to single targets. The build also uses a variety of other bone spells, such as Bone Prison and Bone Wall, to control the battlefield and protect the Necromancer.

    To build this character, you will need to focus on the following skills:

    • Bone Spear
    • Bone Prison
    • Bone Wall
    • Bone Armor
    • Command Skeletons
    • Devour
    • Life Tap
    You will also need to equip items that increase your damage, your life, and your mana regeneration.

    Corpse Explosion Build

    The Corpse Explosion build is a powerful solo build that focuses on using the Corpse Explosion skill. Corpse Explosion is an area-of-effect attack that deals high damage to multiple targets. The build also uses a variety of other skills, such as Desecrate and Raise Skeletons, to create corpses that can be used to fuel Corpse Explosion.

    To build this character, you will need to focus on the following skills:
    • Corpse Explosion
    • Desecrate
    • Raise Skeletons
    • Skeletal Mages
    • Bone Armor
    • Command Golem
    • Life Tap
    You will also need to equip items that increase your damage, your life, and your mana regeneration.

    Summoner Necromancer Build

    The Summoner Necromancer build is a powerful solo build that focuses on summoning undead minions to fight for them. The build uses a variety of skills to summon skeletons, mages, and golems. The minions can then be used to buy diablo 4 gold and tank damage and deal damage to enemies.
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