Laser and light treatment of acquired and congenital vascular lesions

Тема в разделе "Буст ММР аккаунтов, калибровка Дота 2", создана пользователем rela5hao, 25 авг 2021.

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    IPL devices are broadband filtered xenon flashlamps that work based on the principles of selective photothermolysis. The emission spectrum of 515–1200 nm is adjusted with the use of a series of cut-off filters, and the pulse duration ranges from approximately 0.5 to 100 msec, depending on the technology. Many other IPL system have recently been developed, and the appropriate parameters for congenital vascular lesions are being developed. The IPL has been used successfully to treat PWS (Fig. 39.7),78–80 but pulsed dye laser remains the treatment of choice.Cryolipolysis machine — which literally translates into cold (cryo) fat (lipo) destruction (lysis) — was invented, in part, by observing what can happen when kids eat popsicles. No kidding here. Coolplas Fat Freeze Machine uses rounded paddles in one of four sizes to suction your skin and fat “like a vacuum,” says Roostaeian. While you sit in a reclined chair for up to two hours, cooling panels set to work crystallizing your fat cells. New design Cryolipolysis is safe for all skin types, with no reported pigmentary changes, and is safe for repeated application. Ferraro et al. suggest that patients who require only small or moderate amounts of adipose tissue and cellulite removal would benefit most from cryolipolysis treatment.High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound also known as HIFU machine is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment procedure that tightens and lifts the skin using ultrasound energy. It is taken to be a safe and effective procedure for tightening the facial skin.The vaginal HIFU machine uses an noninvasive ultrasonic focusing technique to focus on the mucous membrane fibrous layer and muscle layer directly. Knowing that you are interested in 3D Hifu machine, we have listed articles on similar topics on the website for your convenience. 4D HIFU machine uses the power of High intensity focused ultrasound to safely lift and tighten skin. High intensity focused ultrasound is a form of energy that is significantly different than light such as IPL and Lasers or Electrical (Radio-Frequency) energy. HIFU, protects the skin surface, whilst precisely penetrating at deeper depths and higher temperatures than Radio Frequency for example, treating beyond the Dermis and Foundation layers, where structural weakening starts.